AMD Processors See Performance Drop in Games w/ fTPM Enabled in Windows 11 and 10

According to the latest wave of complaints from Reddit and the LTT forums, AMD processors are suffering from reduced CPU and GPU performance with both Windows 11 and 10. According to various sources, fTPM which is AMD’s firmware implementation of TPM is the culprit. The primary symptoms of the problem include random stutters and jittery audio.

Both these issues go away if fTPM is disabled from the BIOS. However, as you may be aware, TPM is one of the primary requirements of Windows 11. (Provigil) AMD’s Ryzen processors suffered from a slew of performance affecting bugs back when the new OS launched. These included reduced L3 cache latency, less than optimal thread scheduling, etc.

The strange thing is that this time these issues are being reported not only on Windows 11 but Windows 10 as well. We’ll have to wait and see if Microsoft or AMD respond to these queries.

Areej Syed

Processors, PC gaming, and the past. I have written about computer hardware for over seven years with over 5000 published articles. I started during engineering college and haven't stopped since. On the side, I play RPGs like Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Divinity, and Fallout. Contact: areejs12@hardwaretimes.com.
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