AMD Chipset Driver Flaw Affects Nearly All Ryzen PCs Running Windows

Researchers from ZeroPeril have discovered a driver vulnerability in several (nearly all) AMD chipsets. The bug allows attackers to extract information from memory via the Platform Security Processor (PSP) in AMD CPUs. At the time of testing, it appears to affect only the Windows driver (surprise surprise). This may result in sensitive data such as passwords being leaked to attackers. AMD’s Platform Security Process (PSP) is the chipmaker’s own take on Intel’s SGX technology and basically consists of a separate processor for the purpose.

Luckily, the problem isn’t hardware-specific but limited to the driver itself and can be solved with a driver update. The researchers were able to leak multiple GBs of data using the chipset driver exploit. As such, a driver update is highly recommended for the same. According to AMD, pretty much every Ryzen processor lineup, including Zen 1, Zen+, Zen 2, Zen 3, plus the Threadrippers are affected.

AND has already released a chipset driver PSP update (v5.17.0.0) for Windows and recommends users acquire it either Windows Update or manually download it from the AMD website. The list of vulnerable chipsets and CPUs is as follows:

Vulnerable chipsets:

Vulnerable processors:

Source: Zeroperil (via: HWInfo)

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