
A Look at Ray Tracing in AMID EVIL: Shadows, Reflections, Lighting Boost and DLSS 2.0

Ray Traced Reflections Ray Percentages Comparison

In the above shots, you can see the impact of ray count on image noise (without DLSS or TAA) with ray-traced reflections enabled. As you can see, the noise intensity increases quite significantly below 50%. There’s a notable difference even between 70% and 100%.

In the case of shadows, the number of shadow-casting lights doesn’t affect the quality by that much unless you dial it down all the way to quarter resolution. At 50% or half resolution, only a few select shadows disappear compared to full-resolution RT Shadows.

1080p Epic Quality RT Maxed Out on an RTX 3070 and Core i7-10700K

Finally, there’s the matter of performance. Looking at the charts, you can see that even the quality preset of DLSS improves frame rates by more than 60%. Falling back to performance nets you more than twice as much performance while ultra-performance pushes the gains past the 2.5x mark.

You can find the original uncompressed shots here.

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Areej Syed

Processors, PC gaming, and the past. I have written about computer hardware for over seven years with over 5000 published articles. I started during engineering college and haven't stopped since. On the side, I play RPGs like Baldur's Gate, Dragon Age, Mass Effect, Divinity, and Fallout. Contact:
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