Intel Considering Cancellation of Arc Desktop Graphics Cards, Data Center GPUs Being Prioritized [Report]

Intel’s Arc GPU launch has been anything but smooth: buggy drivers, lack of availability, limited API support, and other performance issues have been plaguing the already delayed release. YouTuber Moore’s Law is Dead has dropped a major info bomb that if true could spell the end of the desktop Arc lineup. According to MLID’s sources, multiple high-level discussions are presently going on regarding the cancellation of the desktop Arc graphics cards.

The 1st Gen Arc Alchemist GPUs are yet to hit the wider global markets with the A380 being the only one to hit the Chinese market, offering performance worse than the four year old GeForce GTX 1650. The desktop Arc lineup is reportedly in jeopardy due to the wide range of DIY configurations on the market and the decades long headstart enjoyed by rival NVIDIA and AMD.

The data center offerings will be prioritized due to the wider margins and relatively straightforward nature of the market. At the moment, no decision regarding the cancellation of the desktop Arc lineup has been taken but it’s on the cards.

The development of the Battlemage family isn’t faring well either. According to sources, the 2nd Gen Arc linup has hit a technical roadblock of sorts and it’s unclear if it’ll ever be launched. To matters worse, Intel’s marketing division will continue to hype up future products till the very end.

Coming to the immediate future, Intel is planning an Alchemist refresh primarily focused on the mobile market with a bunch of desktop SKUs as well. These parts are being targeted for an early 2023 launch but as always, a delay isn’t unlikely.


Intel ARC Cancellation Leak: Alchemist may end up a waste of sand…
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